Journey To Limitless

128: Becoming UNSTOPPABLE: How Mindset and Intentionality Propel You Forward Despite Circumstances

January 17, 2024 Courtney Bussard


In today's episode, I share with you my personal experiences and insights on how facing difficult circumstances over this last year has allowed me to build a truly UNSTOPPABLE mindset. I open up about my health struggles with Ulcerative Colitis and how I have harnessed the power of my mindset to overcome limitations and continue pursuing my dreams despite needing to move home to support my mom during this time!

Love today's episode & ready to take action to become UNSTOPPABLE? 

Join us for the UNSTOPPABLE workshop: unlock your power within, break free from limiting beliefs, and build your unstoppable mindset! 

HAPPENING JANUARY 25TH @ 7:30pm EST | 5:30pm MST

This event is FREE in the COMMUNITY, so click the link below to join us in the community! 

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Court | Podcast Host (@journeytolimitless_) • Instagram photos and videos

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Speaker 1:

This is the power of your mindset when it comes to becoming unstoppable. Right, like this is what I mean when I say becoming unstoppable is like your circumstances right now are not the end of your dreams happening, it is just the beginning. Really, it's taking these experiences that we're having and turning them into power. It's turning them into something to outcomeize, to create something from it. Right, and that's really how. Hey, girlfriend, welcome to Journey to Limitless Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Together on the show, we're on a mission to build belief in ourselves and live a life of freedom, despite what tries to hold us back. I'm your host, court, an empowerment coach, travel enthusiast and a chronic illness warrior who, over the last seven years, has built a life that I'm so obsessed with and proud of, but it definitely has not come easy. So on the show, we're going to keep it real as we talk about adapting positive mindsets through hardship, taking action towards our dreams and finding peace and freedom from hustle, culture and chronic stress. Are you with me? Let's get going on your own Journey to Limitless. Welcome back to another episode of Journey to Limitless. I'm so excited that you're here today because I just feel so fired up about this conversation that we're going to have.

Speaker 1:

So, before we jump into that, I wanted to just tell you because, since this podcast is all about breaking cycles and continuing to move forward, I always just want to loop you in on the cycles that I myself am working on breaking, because this podcast is never me acting like I have broken all the cycles in my life. Breaking cycles is a continuous journey. So today, the cycle that I'm working on breaking is the cycle of being a perfectionist. Just to be a bit transparent with you, sometimes when I am recording this podcast especially since it's by myself sometimes I have to rerecord this numerous times because I stutter and I make a mistake and then I'm like, oh my God, I need to rerecord it. So the cycle that I'm working on breaking today is like I just want to hit record on this podcast. I just want to talk all the way through without interrupting myself and breaking that cycle of perfectionism. So I just think it's always important because, as a coach for women who help them break cycles so they can experience more joy, freedom and confidence, I think it's just important for you to know I'm on this journey with you as well. I am walking beside you as you are breaking cycles and giving you insight on how to coach you through breaking your cycles and just always reminding you that it's never an end goal. It's never like you're going to break all your cycles in life. It's going to be a continuous journey and I just always want to be really transparent about that. So that's my goal for today.

Speaker 1:

But today, jumping into what we're talking about, I'm so excited about this conversation that we're going to have because this idea about having this podcast episode about being unstoppable really came to me last night. I had a call with my business coach yesterday and we were really talking about the person that I'm so excited to serve as a coach and through this podcast is like really the woman who wants to become unstoppable, who knows that there's going to be things that can get in her way of the life that she wants to live. But it's about building the resilient mindset. It's about building the mentality that she can get through anything and she can continue to move forward. And I just am so excited about this because I truly believe that over the last two years of navigating some health struggles and this recent hardship of leaving Colorado and moving home, I have never been so confident in being unstoppable before, and it's through these difficult times that we really build that unstoppable mindset. But it's about being intentional about it. It's very easy to have things happen and then we push things to the side, we forget about our dreams and we don't really build that resilient mindset, we don't really build that unstoppable energy and truly HAPPY being intentional through difficult times that will build an unstoppable mindset, right. So today's episode, I really just kind of want to loop you in on those two things that have really helped me build that unsuppable mindset how I have taken those two situations and really harness them in my life and utilize them to grow, utilize them to continue moving forward, and why now, even through still a bit of a difficult circumstance, I'm really confident in this unstoppable energy that I've created.

Speaker 1:

So today I'm going to be telling you a little bit about what I've taken from these experiences and why I feel so unstoppable. Right and hopes to guide you. But then also I want to make sure that I invite you I'm going to be talking about this a little bit more towards the end, but I'm hosting a workshop next week called Unstoppable. So in this workshop I'm going to be guiding you through figuring out your long-term vision, your goals in life, like your ultimate dream, right, figuring out what is holding you back right now, what are the stories, what are the beliefs, what are the situations, what are the circumstances that you are telling yourself that that is not possible for you, and helping you pave a path that will lead you to becoming unstoppable. That dream will happen despite where you are right now. Right, so today's episode is going to be information, but then next week's workshop, which I would love to have you. It's going to be free, happening in the free community. So head to the show notes and click during the community there and that's how you can attend this workshop. It's going to be January 24th, 730 Eastern Standard Time. Eastern Standard Time 530 pm Mountain Standard Time. Would love to have you there. It's going to be really high energy, really fun, really action-oriented and it is going to be like more tangible than just listening to this podcast. So highly, highly, highly suggest jumping in live for that workshop. So, yeah, today's episode.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I really feel like I have harnessed this unstoppable energy over the last two years and if you look at like, if you've been around, you know that the past few years have been a really difficult journey, health-wise and just with life circumstances. But it's also been really powerful because I choose for it to be right. It could be easy to have our circumstances take power over us, right? And that's just not what we're here for. We're here to harness that. We're here to turn that into our power, right. So I'll just loop you in If you've never been here before.

Speaker 1:

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2019 and I got into remission and I didn't really like. I definitely took action. I definitely learned from that experience. I definitely started going down a more aligned path for me, but I definitely had some missing pieces in my life that I didn't really realize until my latest flare that I had in 2022. So last year, around last year, I was experiencing a really severe flare of my ulcerative colitis and that was when I truly believed that I really stepped in to the woman that I am today, where I have made massive lifestyle changes. I cut out alcohol. I cut out. You know I'm very mindful of the food that I'm eating. I, you know, really took, took myself out of it and looked at the way that my life was going. I was hustling in a business that didn't really feel aligned. I was overworking myself there were just a lot of other things that I know were not helping me in that situation that I took those lessons and I moved forward.

Speaker 1:

I made those changes in my life and I also really started working on the belief that I could heal myself. So, prior to that flare, I was just taking medication and I also, in the back of my mind, was always really fearful of another flare. And through that experience in 2022, I started to rewire my brain and surround myself with people that were self-healers, that were healing themselves, so I could really start to rewire my brain and started believing that I could also heal myself. So it was through these lifestyle changes. It was through actively telling myself that I am my own healer. It was through doing breath work and meditations and really being mindful of the thoughts that I was having in my head, versus constantly having that fear in the back of my mind that, oh, I'm going to put myself into a flare. I had to be really mindful, bring a lot of awareness into myself of the thoughts that I was having and I also, like I said, I was really learning what was working and what wasn't working. Me telling myself that I'm going to flare was going to cause me a flare, me not really supporting my body, me hustling in my business, me having my nervous system on overdrive, like all of that stuff was not going to serve me. So over the last year I have been really focusing on all of those aspects. Right, I took action from that and the result is I do not have to let my ulcerative clitis hold me back.

Speaker 1:

One of my biggest fears with having a chronic illness if you have a chronic illness is that we sometimes can feel so limited of like I will never be able to travel the world again. That was a story that I had. I will never be able to like I will just have to kind of get by life. All of my dreams are going to be crushed. Right, I am actively choosing to not subscribe to that story. Right, I'm subscribing to the story that I get to heal myself, I get to live my dream life, I get to do all of these things and it's through that being the story that I'm playing in my head but also aligning my life to for that to make sense. Like I'm making the lifestyle changes. I'm rewiring my beliefs, I'm surrounding myself with people who are self healers. I'm putting myself in a completely different environment, essentially to be able to have that be my reality, if that makes sense, right? It's not just thinking these thoughts, it's also making the changes in your life that reflect that reality, right? So that is one way that I have become unstoppable when it comes to my chronic illness. Right, I'm actively on that journey, like probably for the rest of my life. It's always reminding myself like I am my own healer and actively just choosing a different life, choosing a different lifestyle. You know, that's one way that I have really become unstoppable.

Speaker 1:

And the other way, that is most recent, that I've become unstoppable is like, if you've been here, you know that I recently moved back home, to my hometown to support my mom as she's been navigating health issues, and I left Colorado and you know that in itself was difficult to come to the realization because I felt like I was setting myself back. I guess you could say when I in reality I wasn't, and I had that story in my head of like all my dreams are going to go out the window, I'm not going to have the space to work on my business, I'm not going to, I'm going to shut everything down. And I had this thought of like how can I run a business about being limitless when I feel so limited? Right, and I was telling myself that story, that I was limited. And it was through being able to take myself out of that situation and looking that, oh, my goodness, I have always wanted to be a digital nomad, I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur, right, and me moving home to support my mom. I actually, if I am intentional about it, I can actually use that time to work on my business, as I can actually use that time to take steps in that direction. And that does not me.

Speaker 1:

Moving home does not have to limit me as much as I was telling myself in my head that it did right, but it was through being able to take myself out of it, being able to look at the big picture and see that opportunity. Right, it's sometimes looking at our circumstances as an opportunity, right, it's taking ourselves out of it. It is being able to reflect on what, maybe the lessons that we're trying to learn in this season, right, I think having that perspective of like when we're so zoomed into our circumstances, of course we're going to feel limited sometimes, of course we're going to feel like things are happening to us. But if we're able to zoom out and see, we can see that this is actually happening for us, right? And that's the other way that I've really become unstoppable, because I had that story of like this is limiting me, this is going to dim me, this is going to hold me back, and it's not Because I've become unsuppable.

Speaker 1:

I'm still actively working towards my dreams. I know that I will become a digital nomad. I will be traveling the world, I will have all the dreams that I want in my life, and this is the other thing is that a lot of times, when we have these dreams planted on our heart, we assume that they have to happen right now. Right, and they don't Doesn't mean that it's for you right now. Like you know, I went to Mexico and I had an Iowasca ceremony, and in my Iowasca ceremony it became very clear to me that my next step in life was going to be Greece. And when I realized that I was going to have to move home, that dream of moving to Greece felt crushed.

Speaker 1:

And one of the things that I've been really leaning into and during this season of life is like OK, just because I'm in this season of life right now does not mean that this is my forever. It does not mean that that dream of moving to Greece is gone, right, I had to actively remind myself of that. So this is the power of your mindset when it comes to becoming unsuppable, right, like. This is what I mean when I say becoming unsuppable is like, your circumstances right now are not the end of your dreams happening, it is just the beginning. Really, it's taking these experiences that we're having and turning them into power. It's turning them into something to outcomeize, to create something from it. Right, and that's really how you become unstoppable.

Speaker 1:

And this is what I'm going to be walking you through in the workshop that I'm hosting next week, january 24th, at 7 30 Eastern Standard Time, 5 30 pm Mountain Standard Time, in the community. So head to the show notes and click down there join the community. And that's how you can join this workshop for completely free. The zoom link will be sent only out only to community members. So, like I said, in this workshop we're going to gain clarity on your path.

Speaker 1:

What are your dreams, right? What are the things that you want to continue moving forward to? Right, recognizing that, hey, there are going to be Situations, there is going to be circumstances that are going to try to get in your way. That's just life right, but helping you build that unstoppable mindset. So you do not let that hold you back. And maybe right now there's stories there's, there are circumstances that are going on. How can we help you move forward? So this workshop is going to be very action oriented and it's really going to give you a kick in the butt to start off 2024, to become more unstoppable. So would love to have you there ahead of the show notes and click join the community there and that's how you will get the invite to join us in the workshop.

Speaker 1:

So if you have any questions or you love this episode, you can always dammy on Instagram. I'm at journey to limitless underscore or better yet, you can always take a screenshot of your listening and share it on Instagram as well and tag me. That's always so appreciated. But yeah, thank you so much for being here and I look forward to talking to you in the next episode and seeing you at Unstoppable. Thank you so much for tuning in. It means so much to me that you're here and that you're taking the time to listen to the podcast. If you found this episode to be valuable to you. It would mean so much to me if you shared it with your friends, who you think could also really benefit from this message. You can take a screenshot of your listening and tag me in your Instagram stories. I am at journey to limitless underscore. That also gives me the chance to connect with you and say thank you. So until next week, I hope that you have an amazing week ahead of you and I'll talk to you then.

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